7 Signs of Internal Injury After Car Accident
Car accidents can be incredibly traumatic, and while obvious injuries such as cuts, bruises, and broken bones can be easily seen, internal injuries can be much more difficult to detect. Internal injuries can be just as serious and even life-threatening, so it’s important to be aware of the signs of internal injury after a car accident.
It’s also important to remember that symptoms of internal injury can take time to appear. Even if you feel fine immediately after a car accident, it is still important to get checked out by a doctor. If you experience any symptoms of internal injury in the days or weeks following a car accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately, even if it has been a while. You should also contact a personal injury lawyer to seek potential compensation after the car accident.
Remember that internal injuries can be life-threatening, so it’s important to get the medical attention you need as soon as possible, even if you are unsure. It is better to be safe than sorry! Keep reading to learn more about signs that you possibly have internal bleeding:
Sign #1: Pain
Unsurprisingly, one of the most common signs of internal injury is pain. Pain in the abdomen, chest, or back can signify internal bleeding or organ damage. The force of the impact can cause damage to internal organs, such as the lungs, liver, and spleen, which may not be immediately visible but can cause severe pain.
Additionally, injuries to the spine, such as a herniated disc, can also cause pain and numbness or tingling in the limbs. Be sure to pay special attention to how your body feels in the days following a car accident.
Sign #2: Difficulty breathing
Another sign of internal injury is difficulty breathing, which is often overlooked. If you are having trouble catching your breath or feeling short of breath, this could signify a collapsed lung or another serious injury.
The force of the impact can cause injuries to the chest and lungs, such as rib fractures or a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) which can result in difficulty catching your breath or a sharp pain or tightness in the chest. Additionally, injuries to the spine can not only cause pain but can also cause difficulty breathing.
Sign #3: Nausea and vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are also common signs of internal injury. If you’re feeling sick to your stomach or if you’re throwing up, this could be a sign of internal bleeding or another serious injury. The impact can cause injuries to the digestive system, such as a liver or spleen injury, which can cause nausea and vomiting.
Injuries to the brain, such as a concussion or traumatic brain injury, can also cause nausea and vomiting as a side effect. Not only the damage to your body itself, but some medications used for pain management, such as opioids, can also cause the same symptoms, so be aware!
Sign #4: Change in mental state
Another sign of internal injury is a change in mental state. This is often overlooked, so know what you are looking for! If you are feeling confused, disoriented, or having difficulty staying awake, this could signify a head injury or other serious injury. Such as a concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can cause changes in mental state such as confusion, disorientation, memory loss, and difficulty focusing.
These injuries can also cause emotional changes, such as irritability, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, injuries to the spine can cause changes in mental state, such as loss of consciousness or even coma.
Sign #5: Swelling and bruising
Internal injuries can also cause swelling and bruising. If you notice swelling or bruising in the abdomen, chest, or back, this could signify internal bleeding or another serious injury.
Not only can an accident cause damage to your internal organs, but injuries to the bones, such as fractures, can also cause swelling and bruising in the affected area. This symptom will undoubtedly accompany pain, so keep an eye out.
Sign #6: Changes in urine or bowel movements
It’s also important to be aware of any changes in your urine or bowel movements after a car accident— unexpected, huh! If you notice blood in your urine or if you are having difficulty urinating, this could be a sign of internal injury.
Sign #7: Changes to your vital signs
Unsurprisingly, internal injuries can also cause changes in your vital signs. This can include changes in your heart rate, blood pressure, or breathing. Although you may not immediately notice it, if you have a smartwatch or blood pressure monitor, we recommend checking your vitals every so often to ensure everything is up to par.
At the end of the day, if you suspect even the slightest internal injury following a car accident, you must check it out as soon as possible!